Then it was on to northern Cowley County,where I located geocaches at two (2) stone bridges in the Rock area. After that, I travelled south to the Floral area. I found a geocache in the cemetery there and another at the stone bridge over Timber Creek just south of town.
Next, I went on southwest to the area just north of Winfield. I found a geocache at the beautiful McKnab pony truss bridge over Cedar Creek, t
hen drove 1/4 mile west to find the geocache at the Elrod stone arch bridge over Timber Creek. The Elrod bridge is nearly abandoned, and the last section of "road" back to it from the east is only suitable for high clearance vehicles, and then only in dry conditions.

I finished my geocaching for the day by travelling east to the Timber Creek stone bridge southeast of Atlanta.
Having some daylight left, I determined to head to eastern Cowley County into an area I had not yet explored. I headed east across the Fox stone bridge over Grouse Creek on 62nd Rd into the ranch lands near the Ferguson Ranch. The winter grasses were golden in color with the low sun behind me. I then turned south for a look at the Grand Summit railroad depot area just north of US160 near the Elk County border. In it's heyday, Grand Summit was a busy livestock shipping area.

Finally, I travelled back southwest to Dexter for supper at Crabby Patty's, the town gas station, grill & deli, grocery, bait shop, etc on K-15. This place is currently featured as a special support project of the Kansas Sampler Foundation. The goal is to have at least 1000 people go there and spend at least $5.00. I had a good cheeseburger and really enjoyed chatting with both the owners and the local people who had come in that evening.
Then I had a pleasant evening drive back home to Wichita. Another memorable day!
Triangle M Restaurant
326 S. Forrest
Douglass, KS
Crabby Patty's
K-15 in Dexter
2 Galleries of my photos of Cowley County:
1 comment:
Wonderful photos Larry. Thanks for supporting Crabby Patty's!
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